Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Rock on, Tony!

I know I should be an ardent supporter of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) since Pitaji works for them, Hargobind will soon follow suit, and I must grudgingly admit that the airline did dutifully carry me back and forth while I was studying; but for the moment, I’m switching sides to Air Asia (our low cost carrier).
The reason for this sudden change of affection? I read in the news yesterday that Air Asia will start flying to Amritsar starting early next year!
Darbar Sahib on Divali
Last year MAS abandoned me (no more family benefits) when apparently I turned too old (how insulting - age is but a number I’m told :p) so I can’t milk them for any more cheap flights now.
I was thrilled to find that Tony’s timing was just right – after my life-changing experience there last year, I had worried that the City of Nectar and I would have to separate for a while until I could go there again. But since ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’, I think I won’t have to wait that long before I touch that blessed marble yet again :)

My telebubbly Gurudarshan and me just before marble seva

So there MAS. I scoff at your flat beds and cosy blankets. I renounce your movie collection and jukebox selection. I relinquish the elegant green kebayas and bowls of luxurious chocolate.
I will still be going places. And I will be going there cheap!
(But I won’t say no if MAS does offer me a chance to absolve. My will is not strong enough to resist that divine chocolate! :p)


Anonymous said...

I do share your sentiments about easy access to Harmander Sahib but I do have issues with Air Asia. The Star paper carried an article last week about a mass protest against Air Asia by physicaly challenged Malaysians for not being handicap friendly. When these blessed souls try to book their flights online and click to confirm their status as handicapped, they are unable to proceed further. Apparently the LCCT (aka giant supermarket), does not have aerobridges and this makes it cost inaffective to accomodate those who are wheelchair bound. Shame on AA! If you need to know about other grouses, check out this blog:

On a separate note, I feel the true darshan-ishnaan of Harmander Sb is really immersing ourselves in the Baani. i was told that effective 1-8-07, Astro channel 21 (yes, Zee TV) will be airing a live kirtan from Harmander Sb 7-7.30 am plus additional punjabi programmes. I'm told this was made possible by efforts of Geraksikh. Kudos!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever landed at Amritsar airport? I have heard that is in the middle of the jungle and oommute out to city may not necessarily be safe. How would you compare it to Delhi if you have used that as well?

BTW...confused about reference to "Tony"...must be something Malaysia specific..


Resh-Life will never be the same once you see it from the eyes of a child. said...

Hey Harkiren, your blog is berry berry intresting... Wirite more..write more... hahaha... you really should have been a journalist... you can realy paint a picture with your words. Your blog has my loyalty hahahaha :)

Harkiren Kaur said...

Belay: if thats the case then Air Asia has some serious soul-searching to do... what better place that the City of Nectar! :p

Sunny: sorry didn't mean to exclude you international lot lols.. Tony Fernandes is the CEO of Air Asia.

As for the Amritsar airport, well it is a little out of the city (although I don't recall seeing any jungles anywhere!) and much much smaller that Delhi, but it's ok..

Resh: thanks!

Anonymous said...

"Soul-searching"....well said. If I'm not mistaken, a modern and much bigger terminal is under construction at the Amritsar airport. Anyways, big or small airport/plane, it gets u there.