Saturday, 3 May 2008

Britain's Got Madhu!

Sigh... so I know I've been seriously MIA for a while... and I hope the fact that this post is less than 10 lines long (compared to my usually-endless rantings!) is a testament to how busy things have been.
But here is something that will make you forget all that and just cheer for Madhu :)
Madhu you da man!


dm said...

Madhu Singh rocks! It was big surprise to see sardar on TV. I wonder what is gonna be in next performance?

Admin said...
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Ash said...

hiya phenji=)
yayee!!doesn't matter if its less than 10 lines long, its still super!oooh Uncle balvinder showed us the video just the other day.Awesomee!!

Hargobind Khalsa said...

britain's got madhu?! WE'VE got MADHU!! hilarious and awesome!! thanks for the heads up. what a guy..