Saturday, 5 June 2010

Walk On By

Ok so that was one loooong intermission :)
Before I jump into Part II, please let me add that I will, to the end, defend your right to eat and enjoy candy. My decision to keep away from it is not the start of a crusade I’ve embarked on to preach the evils of such deliciousness, and steer people away from them! What I was trying to say was how even when I knew that there was something I wanted to give up; I continued to indulge in it because I found ways to justify it to myself. Maybe Marshmallows were a poor example, but hopefully further down I will make more sense.
So, to continue where I left off:
When I said Things More Serious, maybe you thought I meant Cigarettes, or Drugs, or Alcohol. Yes, those are serious and dangerous addictions indeed. However on that subject my knowledge is extremely limited and I will not pretend to know anything about the challenges of quitting – that is a world I do not comprehend, and I cannot imagine the strength a person must have to make and act on that decision.
I will instead stick to a more familiar realm.
The concept of giving something up is prevalent in many spiritual paths. The Act of Surrendering is seen as a test of faith, a step to build discipline and an anchor to help focus on the Soul’s Journey.
Food, for example. Which can be a Deeply Spiritual Experience if we do not trivialise a fast. I have always liked the concept of Lent – where you give up something you love to eat as an act of gratitude. Or maybe I just like it because it starts with Pancake Day :)
Sleep is another one. The idea of surrendering sleep to Meditate On The Beloved is Divinely Beautiful.
Money for Charity. Time for Service. Although I like to think of these as ‘giving’, rather than ‘giving up’. That which we are duty bound to do as human beings, regardless of our spiritual paths, and even if we follow none.
But beyond the physical, another part of us exists. And for a Truly Spiritual Surrender, that non-physical part of us must also Let Things Go.
You know where I’m going with this, don’t you? :)
Kaam. Krodh. Lobh. Moh. Hankaar. The Big Five.
This is not a sermon, delivered in a preacher-like tone from the Holier-Than-Thou to You-Vice-Ridden-Masses.
Dear God, no. Guru knows I have my own Daily Battles with them. Occasionally won, but too frequently lost. It’s a bit of a Catch-22, really. Just when I think I’ve got one under control, it just means my Pride has kicked in, and I’m back at square one! Rather I share these that we may all expand collectively, and guide each other along.
They are crafty little things, these Five. Even though we know that they cause us to stray, somehow we’ve handed them the reigns to Rule Our Lives as they see fit.
Even when we think we know what they are, how they arise, and where they will come from; even when we lock all the doors, close the windows and seal off the chimney; even when we station a full-time guard, leave all the lights on, and install a motion detector; even then they find a way in.
Unfortunately a lot of the time we are in a Sleep So Deep, that even if the burglar alarm does go off (which is rare), we do not hear it, or will convince ourselves that it must be the Neighbour’s Cat, and drift back into sleep.
And for the rare moments we do Awaken, once we have seen the Trespassers, we start to relax and shake off our anxiety. You see, The Five are Familiar Faces. We have had them around for so long that we do not know how now to ask them to leave. Not letting a stranger in is one thing; kicking someone you know out is a Whole Different Matter.
We being humans after all, what can we do?
Many years ago, when I was a much Smaller Speck, I remember a Devotee in the Sanggat asking a Blessed Soul this: How can we prevent The Five from arising at all?
He smiled the wise smile that Holy Men have, and said, that you cannot. It is not possible, because they are what make us human. We view each of The Five as evils, but they also play their part in our self-preservation. But we must be aware of them, and behave consciously. They will surface, whether we allow them to or not. So let them come. But do not let them linger. That is our battle. Do not let them linger. Ask them to leave, pray for Guru’s Grace, and Make Them Walk Away.
When The Five visit and we let them stay, we make them feel welcome to visit again. Which they will, repeatedly. The more frequently we let them through our door, the more frequently they will knock on it. Before long, we are Leaving the Door Open and Handing Them The Keys. Reign over me, please. It is just so much easier having you around than asking you to leave. Because that will just be uncomfortable, and we don’t like unpleasantness. Why ruffle a relationship that has gone on for Such a Long Time?
Every temptation is the same, whether it be to eat a Marshmallow (in my case), to smoke a cigarette, or to react in anger. Even after we’ve given it up, no matter how long we’ve stayed away from it for, the temptation does not go away.
So we have to choose. Resist or Give In?
Peel the layers of our own Onions, to learn what temptations target our core. Define our own Kauravs, and fight our Mahabharat. Unravel The Five, lay them at Guru’s feet, and pray for Grace.
May Guru guide us, and shine our path with Light, that we may see with clean eyes those that come to conquer us.
They will keep coming, like unwelcome guests, hoping to be let in, this time, or the next, or maybe the next next?
And may we peek through our door, look upon them, smile, and wave them to Walk On By.
Let them be on their way, and we on ours.


manmeet said...

kiren dearest..
i'm allowing Moh to flow right thru me & say - i love you...

god bless

Harkiren Kaur said...

Thank you for sharing sweetheart. You know Moh is my toughest one too. Attachment to the Human Experience. Attachment to Life As I Know It.

I haven't figured out how to shut my door yet. At the moment I've just installed a dog-flap so that even if it comes in I can shoo it out. Look forward to nailing it down at some point!
